Thursday, August 13, 2009

children in ACtion

Few kids are taking class in village to develop their physical appearance. They want to be smart in their future and muscle. Most of the school children want to be smart in their life. The famous game 'karate ' drags their attention them.

'Why you are taking these classes?' They don't know the answer of this question. Jal Bahadur Tamang, 14 said ' it's only our interests.' Among this group he was forward boy, According to their teacher.

In green scene children are taking action together fight. In fresh air they are playing their soft muscle. Monthly they pay 100 Rupees to get regular classes. We don't have strong economy system in village and our parents don't accept our desire, they said.

After watching TV, they mostly affected. In films, some Chinese game, wrestling are their favorite game. As like them, they want to be. Most of children in Nepal are getting class in several games.

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