Sunday, September 9, 2018

Alka Hospital Laparoscopic Surgeon Service Ad

Alka Hospital, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal, Laparoscopic Surgeon Service Ad

PK Ground Kathmandu

Padma Kanya campus, Ground Kathmandu, Nepal. 

Rastriya Nachghar Jamal, Kathmandu

Rastriya Nachghar Jamal, Kathmandu

Youth and Small Entrepreneur self Employment Fund, Nepal

Youth and Small Entrepreneur self Employment Fund, Secretariat, Anamnagar, Kathmandu Office, Nepal

Journalism and Mass Communication Bachelor I level Question 2075

Tribhuvan University 

2075 Bachelor Level/ 1 Year / Humanities 

Full Mark: 70 Journalism 3111 

Time: 3 hrs. I(Introduction to Journalism & Mass Communication)
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. 

The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt any THREE
 questions from Group A and FIVE from Group B. Group "A" 

1. Describe linear model of communications with special reference to newspapers. 
2. How do you differentiate journalism from the rest of mass communication? 
3.'Effective communication is satisfying to both the message senders and the receivers.'Give your argument on this statement. 
4. Describe the role of sub -editor. Why editors are called the bridge between management and journalists of a particular media house? 

Group "B" 
5. Explain the various stages of television news reporting. 
6. What is the role of code of ethics in a liberal democracy? 
7. How do photographs help entiven a newspaper? 
8. How have readers Benefited from the revolution of information 
9. Discuss the use and misuse of direct quotes in a news story. 
10. Highlight the significance of headlines in the news media

Yambu : The Heartland of Tamang, Why they Chased Away From Kathmandu

Netra Tamang- The Tamangs are the ethnic group of Nepal. According to the 2021 census, there are 1.6 million Tamang people in Nepal out of 2...