Saturday, August 25, 2018

Gobinda Giri Prerana's Novel 'Living Together' launch Program's 16 Photos

Writer Gobinda Giri Prerana and his wife.

 Cake cutting by Story Writer Maya Thakuri
 Gobinda Giri Prerana delivering his speech.

 Poetry Momila
 Member of Parliament of Nepal and Writer Shanta Chaudhary

 Movie Director/Actress Deepa Shree Niraula

Friday, August 17, 2018

Tamang Award Ceremony, Occasion of 24th Tamang Broadcasting Day [24 photos]

Bishnu Tamang, President of Association of Tamang Journalists giving token of love to Vice Speaker of Pradesh 3 Radhika Tamang. Vice Speaker Tamang is Chief Guest in Tamang Media award Ceremony.

 Bishnu Tamang, President of Association of Tamang Journalists
 Bishnu Dong receiving Tamang Media Award.
 Bishnu Tamang, President of Association of Tamang Journalists
 Buddhist Candle(Chhyumi)

 Poet/Writer Laxmi Rumba
 Vice Speaker of Pradesh 3 Radhika Tamang

 Journalist Sujata Tamang receiving Tamang Media Award

 Journalist Mayalu Ngesur

 Journalist Sujata Tamang
 Journalist Bishnu Dong
 Gajurdhan Rai, Journalist and Vice President of FONIJ
Danda Gurung, Journalist and President of FoNiJ.

Yambu : The Heartland of Tamang, Why they Chased Away From Kathmandu

Netra Tamang- The Tamangs are the ethnic group of Nepal. According to the 2021 census, there are 1.6 million Tamang people in Nepal out of 2...