Sunday, July 22, 2018

Questions Ph. D Course Work Program Humanities and Social Sciences

Questions Ph. D Course Work Program
Entrance Exam [2017]
Humanities and Social Sciences
Tribhuvan University

Group A

1. Conducting a Ph. D research is a journey from known territory into the unknown, How does review of literature help researches carry out the journey and determine new area of research? Elucidate.
2. Outline a research proposal that you would like to develop for your Ph. D research. Formulate research questions and specify the methodology you want to apply preciously as possible.
3. Plagiarism is a serious issues in research. Do you agree? What do you think a Ph. D scholar should pay attention to it?

Group B

3. What do you mean by research ethics? Why do you think it is importang in research?
4. Discuss the strength and weakness of quantitative and qualitative research.
5. What do you mean by languages bias in research? Support you response with examples.
6. What is Bibliography? Explain the importance of bibliography in the process of research.
7. Difference between Primary and Secondary data. Suggest any three ways of collecting the Primary data.
8. In what ways descriptive research different from analytical research? Discuss.
Multiple Choice Questions
Circle the Correct option
1.  Which of the following is not the method of data collection?
a) Unstructured questions
b) Participant Observation
c) Interview
d) Research Questions
2. Self-Plagiarism is
a) when a person reuses one's own previous work in the current work without acknowledging it
b) citing your own works too much
c) using somebody else's work and passing it off as your own
d)an epistemological stance
An open question is that
a) allows respondents to answer in their own ways and terms
b) does not suggest or provide a limited range of responses
c) can help to generate answers for closed questions
d) evoke limited answers
The process of qualitative research is Characterized by
a) deduction
b) Induction
c) reduction
d) proportion
Which of the following is a philosophical assumption of qualitative research?
a)facts and values are distinct from one another
b)the proper design of research investigation leads to accurate conclusions
c)values are an integral part of the research process
d)facts stands independent of the knower and can be known in an undistorted form
A friendly relationship between  the interviewer and the responder is called
Ethical neutrality is a feature of
a)scientific method
b)descriptive method
c)ethnographic method
d)deductive method

Hypothesis is research refers to
a)data collection
d)a statement of prediction
The process of drawing conclusions without and value judgment is called
10 Null hypothesis is stated in
a)Negative form
b)Positive form
c)question form
d)statement form
11 Research can be classifide on the basis of methods  and
d)areas of research
12 which of the following  do you need to pay attention in preparing research agenda?
a)sample frame and sampling strategy
b)ethical issues
c)access to the research site
d)all to the above
13 A controlled group is a term used on
a)experiment research
b)survey research
c)historical research
d)descriptive research
14 the most important quality a researcher requires is
a)analytical  and scientific temperament
b)body agility
c)required resources
d)sufficient time
15 The failure to acknowledges the sources material is known as
b)foot note
16 An example of non personal method of data collection is
a)personal interview
b)telephone interview
c)schedule visit
d)Group Interview
17 The short summary of a technical reports is called
a)an article
b)an abstract
c)a publication
d)a guide book
18 Bibliography refers to
a)foot notes
c)list of books referred

19 The relationship between the advison and the researcher is based on
a)mutual respect
c)cooperation  and honesty
d)all of above
20 Academic research in the universities primarily
a)applying for funds
b)enhancing knowledge
c)obtaining degree
d)gaining status

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